Happy new year!
Happy new year
Happy new year
AIESEC in Taiwan
Happy new year
AIESECers all around the world!!
New year
New start
Let's fight together!
AIESEC Yuan-Ze University in Taiwan!
Happy new year
Happy new year
AIESEC in Taiwan
Happy new year
AIESECers all around the world!!
New year
New start
Let's fight together!
Posted by Sheng-Fen, Ku at 8:35 am 3 comments
還有一些微軟相關的新資訊。(他對google、apple 反感…)
之後有一個活動是有好幾個議題自己選擇去哪一個,有 AIDS、企業家精神、教育、CSR、女權,印象最深的是教育,大家把自己國家的教育狀況做分享,還有我也把台灣的教育問題跟他們分享,發現我們台灣在教育制度方面有很大的改善空間。
還有一堂是敎我們怎麼表達,運用肢體動作還有語調高低,來幫助對方了解我們的意思。這堂上完之後大家講話好像中邪一樣,手一直在空中揮= = 很瞎。
還有一堂彥雄有上過(編按:Competency Model),一個表格中分成4個level,自己衡量自己到哪一個level,只是他們上的方式比較不一樣,他們會先帶一個活動,再做該項的評判,活動會跟那個項目有關係,很多都很有趣,以後我們也可以學習這個方式。
還有新加坡上session幾乎都是以分組討論為主,每個人都要發言,整個過程我都是用破英文溝通,6天講的英文等於我19年來的總合…這次我真的收穫很多,體驗不同文化,也學習到國外分會是怎麼辦活動的,認識好多好多朋友,也發生很多趣事,下次有機會我一定還要再出國參加conference!Posted by Xu Jia Jun at 11:29 am 2 comments
Labels: conference, international opportunity
Originally, our 0607 first happy gathering will be Miao-Li two days trip. But after vote, it became travel our county by scooter in one day. The fact is, it rained dogs and cats outside, so our gathering moved to the Mill Cafe’, and classroom, finally.
Tom and Fifi just back from NLDS in Singapore, and it’s a nice chance to share to others, Tom shared lots of funny story, and how crazy they were. Especially some love story, it’s really cooool XD.
After lunch, we moved to YZU classroom 60307, started the AIESEC dance and roll call session, this kind of session is unusual in Taiwan. Hope you guys will be the next dancing king and queen in future, hehe…
The next agenda comes AIESEC Movie Theater, the film called “Coach Carter”. It mentions a high school basketball team, and there are many concept involvements. Like entrepreneurship, team work, leadership, and I got there still many people need battle with the environment. And it's really touching, almost made us cry T____T .
Our dinner was mutton, and then moved to the airport, saw airplanes. If you miss this chance, see you next time, dear friends.:D
ps:the photo is taken by Lydia.
Posted by BrianLai at 9:25 pm 1 comments